Tuesday, August 12, 2014

DC Comics Take A Selfie

Yes, you read it right. DC Comics came out with Selfie covers this month for their comics. Not all the comics have Selfie variants, but we're taking a look at a few that come out tomorrow Wednesday, August 13th, 2014. You can find these and other comics at TimeZone Gaming in Fords, NJ.

Justice League United #4 features Supergirl, Stargirl and Miyahbin. They're striking the usual selfie pose like most teenagers do with their bestie's, whatever that means. Stargirl is holding bunny ears behind Supergirl's head. Miyahbin is striking a normal pose, which is what I usually do when people say "do something funny for the picture." What's wrong with just smiling for the camera? Mind you, Supergirl is smiling, but it looks like she's trying too hard. We can all relate to this selfie picture. The awesome part is the background. The girls are clearly in space because you can see the Earth and the surrounding universe. Pretty neat!

Batman #34 is actually comical. Obviously a kid who's a fan of Batman managed to get a quick picture in with him. Although, Batman looks kind of put off by it. Photo bomb much? I can see how Batman isn't much of a photo taker. Why so serious, Batman? Gees!

Green Lantern Corps #34 is...odd. Not sure what DC Comics was going with for this cover. It's like one of those bad pictures you take trying to get a good one, but you're just that terrible at taking selfies. We'll say it's the "I Suck At Selfie's" selfie, cause you know there are those.

Batgirl #34. Now, I'm partial to Batgirl, but who wouldn't be? She's awesome and kicks ass. Her selfie is confusing. Why does she have all those Batman comics on the floor? Do I sense a crush on the infamous Batman? Possibly, but what about the motorcycle? It's indoors obviously, but in a room with comics? DC will have to explain this one, cause it leaves much to be desired!

Superman Wonder Woman #11. Okay, now I'm not a fan of Superman, and Wonder Woman I have to be in the mood for, and I normally hate selfies, BUT I have to admit this cover is freaking cute! Yes, cute! It's the typical selfie picture of a boyfriend and girlfriend, but what's adorable about it is that there are kiss marks all over Superman's face. This cover won me over.

Harley Quinn #9. Oh Harley! Is there anything you do we don't like? Nope! Almost every cover with her on it so far has been incredible, but I love the concept for her selfie comic. She's framing herself and her pet beaver. Nothing about this cover makes sense, but nothing ever makes sense with Harley...or does it? You decide! This is my favorite selfie cover so far.

What do you think of DC Comics Selfie Variant covers? Let us know in the comments below!

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