Wednesday, July 23, 2014

New Comics: Storm, Doctor Who, & Supreme Blue Rose

Today is New Comic Book Day! So you know what that means. I grab all the comics off the shelves and bury my nose in them! Three comics to specifically look at this week are Storm #1, Doctor Who 10th Doctor #1, and and Supreme Blue Rose #1. I love picking up new titles, so all of these are promising stories that I'm subscribing to!

    First up is Storm #1

    You should know that Storm hasn't always been a favorite of mine. (Hold your stone throwing till later). I have to admit that Marvel did her justice. In the past she's been painted as the do-gooder; always following protocol and never breaking the rules. Now, even though she was very similar to Jean in those aspects, in this comic the Storm we know truly develops into an inspiring woman. I can honestly say I'm impressed, which isn't always the case with comics. I know, I know, you're all thinking I'm a picky comic book reader, but with everything changing in the comics industry it can be hard to fall in love with a comic book. I can now say I'm in love with Storm. Not only is she badass, but she's determined, and determination goes a long way as a superhero.

    Second up is Doctor Who 10th Doctor #1.

    Now, if you know your Doctor then you know how eccentric they can be. This comic was a bit slow in pacing, and I expected to see more of the 10th Doctor, but he was only on a few pages. This issue more or less started with the story of his new companion Gabriella, a young woman living in New York City trying to find her true calling, but is ultimately dragged down by following the customs of her Spanish culture. She's a dreamer, but she's stuck helping out with her family businesses. At the very end of the comic is when she meets the Doctor, but their introduction is on a train...with a strange monster in human form. Who? What? We won't know till the next issue. I'm on the fence about it, but am willing to give it another go before I resign from this series. Also, keep in mind that Doctor Who 11th Doctor came out today as well. Two different doctors, in two different comics. So don't judge one versus the other or let it deter you from reading the 11th Doctor comic.

    The third title I read was Supreme Blue Rose.

    It's a bit odd, and shifts from a dream to reality. We get introduced to Diana Dane, an unemployed journalist, who's dreams are vague and confusing. In her dream she's told to not trust someone named Darius Dax, and that's the message she needs to remember. When Diana wakes up she's convinced it's all nonsense, and when she goes for a job interview she meets a man...Darius Dax. He hires her to investigate everything she can about a strange object and a man connected with it. He offers to pay her a hefty amount that she can't refuse. Upon accepting, Diana meets a man who's true face is visible to her, while others see him as just an average human. His name is Reuben. Learning that Reuben is her bodyguard, Diana questions whether or not she made the right choice. It's safe to assume our heroine is in deep, and even though she knows she's in for it, the money is too much to pass up. I'm giving this comic a few more issues to see how it shapes up, so it's worth looking into. 

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